Thursday, June 16, 2011

Passion Fruit and Crickets

Passion fruit and deep fried crickets- that is what me and my (African) roommate Maureen are snacking on tonight as we watch Dr. Quinn and talk about boys :) This is a typical night in our room, and I love it. There has been a lot going on here in the past few days, but I will try and update everyone on what God has been doing. So first of all, due to some unforeseen complications, I will be taking the fall off from school. At first, I was shocked and upset that I wasn't going back, but then I realized that it is God's plan. He wants me to take this time off, and I don't know what He will do with the time, but I know it will be okay. Now I have such amazing peace over this decision, I am so thankful God knows what I need more than I do. Secondly, things in Uganda have been very different than I thought they would be. When I came last summer, everything was seen through rose colored glass. All the boys were on their best behavior, and I somehow forgot that they were so broken. Now I see it all the time, every day. They are very broken, and they have a LONG way to go before they will be fully healed- its a job only God can accomplish. I love the street kids, I love seeing them light up every day when they see me. Its a little different with the boys in the house, and I will continue to rely on Jesus to break my heart for them (they have had a hard time since Abby and David got married, and have been less than nice on multiple occasions). I am beginning to remember the main thing I learned last summer, which is that God will use my ministry to fill me up. I do not have to wait for Him to fill me up and then go out- I will keep waiting forever. Today, He used the street boys to fill me up. They love Him, and I love Him, and He loves us all. I don't know if Uganda is the place God has called me (and as the weeks go by, I am thinking more and more it is not...) but I do know that He will not waste my time here. He has a plan, and that plan is as much for me as it is for these kids. No matter what, I will cling to and trust in my King. He is my Father who loves me, who created me with love and patience, and He is so good to me.

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