Wednesday, June 22, 2011

A Day at the Beach

Yesterday me, Amanda and Cara took 5 of the boys from our program to the beach in Entebbe (Lake Victoria). It was kinda to celebrate two of them being accepted into school, and also just to do something fun. We loaded them up into Cara's car and drove an hour or so to this awesome beach by the airport. On the property, they had these planes (not little ones, but huge airline planes) just sitting there for kids to play in. After we checked that out, we headed out to the sand. We rented the boys a ball and three intertubes, and let them hit the water- they LOVE swimming!! Going to the beach with 5 street kids in Uganda is very different from a day at a CA beach- let me tell you. Immediately after getting there, the boys started to dump sand all over themselves, but it was bright green from all the gross stuff living in the water. That kinda set the tone for the day. At different points, we found...
- Bwanica filling his mouth with disgusting sand and spitting it at other boys, then rinsing his mouth with horrible water
- Bwanica throwing shoes in the lake
- Bwanica in the restaurant with no shoes, and drinking tomato sauce out of the bottle (you'd be correct in guessing Bwanica wasn't on his best behavior, but it was so funny)
- Richard bringing us strange marine plants and a dead fish that he had on seaweed like a dog leash
- the boys carrying a crane they had caught by its legs (how they caught it, we don't know...)
- Ibra belly flopping off a boat into about 2ft of water (ouch)
The list goes on and on and on. I can write about it, but it doesn't capture how ridiculous it was; I haven't laughed so hard in a long time. The day totally exhausted the boys, as well as us aunties, but it was so worth it. To see the looks of pure joy on their faces, to see them having such a good time- those are also things that are hard to put into words. But trust me when I say, its amazing :)


  1. This post made me laugh until tears all over again. I totally forgot about the belly flop.

  2. so cute Caitlyn. Sounds like you're having some wild times!
