Wednesday, May 2, 2012

White Flag

There is a song by Chris Tomlin called White Flag. The lyrics go...
"We raise our white flags We surrender all to you all for you. We raise our white flag The war is over love has come, Your love has won"
  Throughout my decision to move to Uganda, I've faced some serious disapproval. And although I really am safe where I am going, and not afraid at all, I want to set the record strait. 

The truth is that I find total purpose and joy in serving Him and my kids. But even if I didn't, I would still do it. Why? Well, I call myself a Christian. I say I serve the Lord. God says that following Him means giving up everything. It means selling all you have, and dropping what you're doing to run after Him. This weekend at the College Life retreat, our speaker talked about serving God- understanding how big He is, and how unbelievable His love is. If we REALLY understood that, then its worth it all. If I really believe what I say I believe, then I need to put it ALL on the line. If my God is as big as I say He is, then nothing about me or myself is more important than bringing Him glory. 
My comfort is not more important.
My family is not more important.
My safety is not more important. 
Even my life is not more important. 

I want to go all or nothing for this King that I call my Father. I want my everything to hinge on belief in Him. I want to show people that I think He is worth risking it all for. There is no warm for Christ; He calls us to be cold or hot, but not warm. He says He will spit out what is warm- those are harsh but truthful words. I try and imagine what Jesus would say to me if I stayed. If I settled down and had a few kids, got a private practice in Counseling, and just went to church on Sundays, what would that say about what I believed? Now, I know lots of people who are living out their faith by raising children in a godly home and truly love Jesus. I am NOT saying that isn't a ministry in itself. And I am not saying that everyone's calling must be my calling. But what I am asking is what our speaker asked this weekend- if you found out that God wasn't real, and Jesus was a liar, how would your life change? Because if the only thing that changes is that your Sundays free up, there is a problem. If the only problem you run into is that the "foundation for your moral compass" must be redefined, there is something missing. 

Bottom line, I believe what I say, so I'm risking everything. That is why I am putting it all on the line. I am raising my white flag, I surrender all for Christ.