Sunday, June 5, 2011

Jail, Football and Bodas

Hey all! So I am safe in Uganda. Its very different than I thought it would be- I am really on my own here. The first few days have been so crazy I haven't had time to post, so sorry about that! Africa is the same as always but I am finding that this trip is so much less sheltered than my last one. Taking a shower out of a bucket, buying my Ugandan cell phone, and using a hole as a toilet are all very new things for me. There are things that I am not fully used to yet, but I am getting there quickly. I should say first that riding the bodas is my new favorite thing- they are motorcycle taxis and you fit three people on them then dart through traffic and its crazy. I am getting so much better, I don't even need to hold on anymore (nobody freak out, I wont fall off :) So what have I been up to? Well its really to much to account for, I haven't stopped moving since I got off the plane (like, seriously), but here are some highlights. Friday me, Amanda and Gina (the women I am living with) went to the Hope House, which is a home where former prostitutes make jewelry. We bought jewelry from them, then me and Gina did bible study. Later, me and Amanda had to go to the police station because we found out that 6 of our street kids had been arrested. That was awful- we sat there with one of the uncles for a very long time and listened to the police take turns yelling at us. They told us we were using the children for profit (what??) and that we were harming society by having our street programs. They said many other things that I don't want to get into, because they make me so angry, but honestly I wanted to hit someone. Finally, David (Abby's husband) came and talked to them; they wanted money all along but didn't want us to know they were being corrupt. When he wouldn't pay, they let the kids go anyways. It was a perfect example of how society feels about our kids. So that was my first day.... My second was better. Me, Amanda, some of the uncles, and another Auntie took about 10 street kids and 4 boys from our house to the Uganda FIFA football game. It was very exciting for them but it was also hot and crowded, and VERY VERY loud. Here is the coolest thing though; one of the boys in our house that doesn't usually get special things (because he misbehaves a lo)t got to come. He is so wonderful, but he is very guarded and does not like volunteers, especially young women. Last summer, when I came he wouldn't look at me, let alone talk to me. But yesterday we hung out all day. He asked me to ride with him in the van on the way to the game, then he asked me if I would be his best friend. And later, he told me he loves me (that's a really really big deal, its huge!). I feel so encouraged to see how much God is healing him; I decided last night that if I can help this one child, my whole summer will be worth it. That being said, I could use your prayers. I don't feel super close to God at the moment- I see Him but I can't feel Him. I am also still very homesick (although its getting better) so if you're reading this and would like to encourage me by emailing me, its I know that God is doing big things, and I trust Him completely. Sorry this was so long- next time I'll write sooner!!

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