Thursday, June 23, 2011


One thing I have been realizing recently is how jaded we, as Americans are. How many times have I thought "that's just the way the world works"? I know I've listened to others say it too. Babies dying of starvation? That's just how it goes sometimes. Families infected by AIDS? That's how Africa is. People living as refugees? That's on the other side of the world, I cant do anything. We hear of these things all the time- people with no running water, health care, or money to buy food. Have you ever considered how difficult that life really is? I take a shower out of a bucket, but I have water most days. I cannot imagine having to walk and go get it (which the boys have to do sometimes, and it totally sucks!). I meet kids in Kivulu every day that literally haven't had a meal in several days. I meet kids with HIV because their moms couldn't get antivirals. I meet people disfigured by war, in the city searching for their families. When I live it every day, when I see these people and touch them and talk to them, then I see things like Jesus does. There is NO situation in which Jesus would say "that's in Africa, so its not my problem". There will never be a suffering person that Jesus does not care about, meaning that as His followers, there is no suffering person that we should overlook. Jesus really hears every cry, sees each suffering person, and catches every tear. If the King of Glory's heart is broken by these things, mine should be too.

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