Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Praise Jesus!

About a month ago, a little boy called David showed up in our street programs; when I say little I mean it, he is about 6, and very tiny. He was so shy and hurting he did not look at anyone, let alone talk to them. I loved him from the start, but I couldn't break through to him. On the day we went to the beach with the street kids(remember that blog?) David was SO cold. He was shaking and exhausted from swimming, and he just needed a break, so he came and sat in my lap. Within 5min he had fallen asleep, leaving a big pool of drool on my shirt- it was adorable! After that, each day at programs he would come up to me and grab my hand, and hold on tight. And almost every day, he would take a nap on my lap at some point, because it was the only time he felt safe enough to sleep.

I deeply love all the kids in our programs, but God speaks in my heart about some particular boys, and David quickly became one of them. When a boy is that young, the streets can ruin them. Older boys pick on them, and abuse them all the time. People in the slums take advantage of them all the time too, and they truly are not safe. Within a few weeks of being at our programs, I began to notice a change in David. Instead of letting boys pick on him, he began to fight back, and fight hard. The other boys get jealous whenever I spend to much time with one kid, and they hated when David would nap or hold my hand, so they beat him and stole his things. Fortunately, David was still at the point that he would rather have attention and love, even if he did get abused for it, but it would not stay like that for long... soon he would pull away. About a week and a half ago, Jesus spoke clearly in my heart. He wanted David off the streets, and into not just any home, but an API home. Naturally, I assumed that since the new home we are opening is for younger boys, he would go there in about three months when it opens. The idea of him on the streets for three more months did not give me peace at all, but it was not my call to make. I did not want Abby to feel like I was pressuring her because we have no room in our home, and all the volunteers want specific kids off the streets, so I could not say anything (although I did hint a lot :). I knew if Jesus wanted him off the streets, then He would need to work in Abby and David's hearts too, because it was not my place to say anything.

Last night, I got a call from them. Turns out, the Holy Spirit had been working in their lives too. Abby and David (Abby's husband) realized that David  is a special and sweet kid, and that 3 more months could damage him beyond repair. We do not serve a God that wants His children hurting, and Jesus would not want us to wait before bringing David into a home. So, they told me, David was going to come home tomorrow :)

At programs today, Uncle David (who makes the paper beads, and may be the lead uncle in our new home- sorry there are so many Davids!), me and Abby told little David that he was going to come to our home. Its amazing to me how the kids react. They never believe us at first- like they have been let down so much, it will hurt to bad to become excited. David just nodded, and agreed that he did want to come into the home, but he hardly smiled at all. So Uncle David took him for his "special day" where he got to get all his new clothes, a new bed, sheets, shoes, and a special lunch. After that, finally, David came home! When he got off the boda outside the gate, all the boys were cheering and hugging him. I swear, it still amazes me at how small he is- he is a baby. Inside, he gradually warmed up (it was overwhelming because we had the team that is visiting over for dinner, but it was good because they took lots of pictures which I will post soon) and by the end of the night, he was giggling, smiling and hugging all the boys, aunties and uncles. When I went to tuck the boys in bed, he was chatting away with the kids in his room, and was so excited to be sleeping in a bed- watching a child transform from a street kids to a kid with a family is a miracle in itself, and it is wonderful.

God saved David from the streets today. Bringing him home, I was reminded of two things. The first was that our homecoming to Heaven will be much like David's was today- we will have our family there, with the Father waiting for His child to be safe in His eternal kingdom. There will be rejoicing, and the pain of this world will be over; we will be safe, and we will be HOME with our Father who loves us! Secondly, its such a blessing to see how much God's love can heal. Jesus did this my friends, not me or Abby or David. The Spirit worked in our hearts to provide unity and a safe place for this amazing child. Jesus provided the love we have for him, and it will be Jesus who heals him from the trauma he experienced. Today was just the first step in that long process, but it was a big step. The hard part is over: Jesus does rescue the lost and the hurting, and David is safe now, because David is home!

"I will sing to the Lord all my life; I will sing praise to my God as long as I live. May my meditation be pleasing to Him, as I rejoice in the Lord!" - Psalm 104:33

1 comment:

  1. Wow! What amazing news! Thanks for sharing Caitlyn. This story reminds me of our special day bringing Amos into a home last year. This is a beautiful picture of what it means to have childlike faith, eh? :-) Now, if only more of us in Jesus' Church would remember that is what the Father does with us and live out of His love and faithfulness.
    God bless you and our Ugandan friends!
