Monday, August 13, 2012

Village Days

Me and Lauren decided to go to Bombo and spend a few days with the boys in our homes. We have been here 5 days, and its been amazing. Sometimes its hard for me to stay in the village. Its harder to live out here; there are bugs and no electricity. And although it may sound wimpy, it wears you out! But I have really enjoyed this stay. I got over my fear of bugs (when you get tired enough, you don’t really care what may be in your bed...) Mostly what has been great is hanging out with our boys. I love them so much, and they make my  heart warm. The first night I was here, I went to our older boys house to have dinner and do devotion. I had forgotten how it is, living with them, when nobody else is watching. What a “normal” family dinner looks like, without teams or guests. I missed it so much! I missed hearing devotions with them, and listening to what they learned from the bible. I even missed posho and beans. That first night, I literally smiled for all of dinner- the boys kept looking at me like I was crazy, but I was just so happy.

We had so much fun just hanging out.  I have played endless card games, and gotten ten dozen hugs (which is actually a specific prayer request that got answered in an unexpected way :) I loved watching the boys dance at church. I know what parents must feel like, those moments you get to watch your kids before they know your looking, when they are completely themselves just being silly or sweet. I love those moments, and I have seen many of them these past few days. We are trying to put together files for each of the boys here. We need them for official reasons, and we also just want  the boys to be able to look back at their lives. They are disconnected from their families, and histories. We want to write them down, so someday the boys will have it on paper. We don’t want them to forget little things, like what their grandparents names were, or if they had a best friend in their village. Do do this, we interviewed each boy about their lives. Me and Lauren did it this weekend, and it turned out to be a really cool experience. I got to hear the full story of some of the boys I have known for a long time. Boys that have never told their story to anyone finally opened up. I think tomorrow, I may post one story that really touched my heart, but for now I will just say they were great and brought us all closer.

I feel so honored, that God brought these boys into my life. I feel SO blessed to be able to see them grow up, and to be a part of their lives. I feel like I could float when I am with them, the joy they bring me. Being with them also always draws me closer to our Creator.  The village is also stunningly beautiful. At night, the breeze cools everything down. The grass and trees look like something out of the Lion King. The sunsets take your breath away. But the thing I love most are the stars! They are so bright, and so endless. I could spend an eternity looking at them. When I am somewhere as beautiful as this, I can hear God’s heartbeat and feel his breath. He is all around us.

There are these moments in life where you just wish time would stop. They are achingly beautiful, or joyful. In these moments, I feel so alive, I overflow with love. They are perfect little pieces of Heaven here on Earth. They are God’s Kingdom already built. And it hurts because I want to soak them up, but I cannot get enough. It makes me look forward to eternity, knowing that it will be spent like those moments. But for now, I praise Jesus for bringing me to Uganda. Because out of all the places I’ve been, I get to live somewhere where these glimpses of Heaven happen all the time.

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