Monday, August 27, 2012

Eyes on Jesus

He said, “Come.” So Peter got out of the boat and walked on the water and came to Jesus. But when he saw the wind, he was afraid, and beginning to sink he cried out, “Lord, save me.” Jesus immediately reached out his hand and took hold of him, saying to him, “O you of little faith, why did you doubt?” And when they got into the boat, the wind ceased. - Matthew 14:29-32

 I wanted to give a shout out to my parents who blessed me in a HUGE way by helping me buy a car here. I really wanted one before I came, because it would be safer and easier to travel long distances, but I didn't have the money. I told God if He wanted me to have one, He would have to provide it- and He did. My dad has been working selling copper off some old doors for me, and the money from that paid for it! How cool that selling scrap metal bought me a car, since its also how my boys make money? Thank you Lord for providing. Thank you dad (and mom) for looking out for me.

Today street programs were so fun!! I decided that I wanted to start doing lessons on Mondays, as well as reading to the boys. I am going to be teaching on animals, and today we started with bears. I mostly just did fun facts, and gave out candy when I asked questions about it. The boys really enjoyed it, and paid really good attention. I told them they could pick which animals we talk about, and they all excitedly raised their hands for suggestions. Next week we are talking about three types of birds. I picked Harry Potter for reading, because every child should get to go to Hogwarts ;) Here, people only tell stories, they don't read books, so reading it was a little different. It worked well because I have read it 100 times, but I got to tell the story more than actually read it. Summarizing the fun parts, skipping over the stuff that doesn't translate. The boys LOVED it even though we just got through the first chapter of the first book, so nothing really cool has happened yet. But they asked a ton of questions, and were really eager to hear the next part. I am excited to read it to them, because I remember my mom reading to me as a child. Its great bonding time, as well as so fun to imagine the books. Often when I take on a new responsibility, its something I enjoy, but its also stressful. I have a lot to do and there is always more! This however, doesn't feel stressful at all- I really loved it. I feel really renewed for street programs, and really excited to be doing this with the kids.

I think sometimes here, I get lost in all the stuff I have to do, and all the directions our ministry is going. There is never enough time in the day. My life is my ministry, and my ministry is my life. These kids are 24/7... there is no 9-5 for us. One thing God has been helping me with is taking a true sabbath for myself (Tuesdays), and I now know why He created one :) Still, its hard! Its a lot, and it feels unending. A few nights ago, I was thinking about this and Peter again came to my mind. For anyone who doesn't know, I love learning from Peter- I think he was just so human. So eager to please Jesus and still so broken.

So here again, we find Peter trying, and failing when he does it on his own. Out in the middle of the storm, having trusted Jesus enough to step off the boat (which is a pretty huge step if you ask me). Trusting enough to step off, but then he begins to sink. In my mind, when I picture this moment, I think the moment he faltered was when he took his eyes off Jesus. Up until that point, Christ had His eyes locked with Peter, and all Peter could see was what he was walking towards. He doesn't fear anything, because all he sees is the strong and sure eyes of his King. But then, Peter gets distracted. He  notices that he is, in fact, walking on water in the middle of a storm. He realizes how far out from the boat he is. When he becomes afraid, he breaks eye contact to get a better look at the storm around him, which only frightens him more... then he falls. Now, knowing the story we know that Christ reaches out His hand to save Peter, and everything is okay, because that is the kind of God we serve.

As I follow Jesus on this crazy journey that is my life, I feel like Peter. Its like I am looking at Jesus, and He is right there, right in front of me. His eyes are sure, and His voice steady. My "eye contact" with Him creates a tightrope, and as long as I keep my eyes locked on Him, I can walk it. But the second I begin to look around, to wonder what I am doing, I feel alone and I falter. Its SO EASY to do too, because all around me are these huge impossible tasks, and I want to pause and take a look at the storm- I want to give into that fear, and stand in awe of all the possible risks I am taking. But doing so would mean drowning, and so instead I trust. I trust that Jesus will not lead me where I do not have the strength to go. I trust that He will not leave me in the middle of this storm. I will fail, just like Peter. But Jesus will still be right there, ready to reach out His hand and save me. I will get right back up on my tightrope, and refocus so I can continue walking towards Him with all I am.

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