Friday, August 12, 2011

Camp Dembe

Okay people, sorry its been so long! Life here got buys, and then I got knocked out for a week with a wicked migraine headache, but now I am back :) This week is a little different than usual. I am in Entebbe, getting ready for summer camp. There is a team of college students from Point Loma in CA that have been planning (all year) to run a camp for the boys in our home and the boys at another home called African Hearts (who also work with street kids). Me and Gina are going to be camp counselors along with the 6 other Americans, and 6 Ugandan staff members. We are going to have about 50 kids. Camp Dembe (Peace) as we are calling it, is at the zoo! We are staying in dorms and so far it has been an adventure. I have been here two days, the kids are not even here yet, and already I've had so much fun. We had a bonfire on the beach, took a night walk through the zoo (the lions were all awake and I got to pet a hyena!!). Today, I held a baby crocodile, scratched the back of a rhino, and fed a baby monkey my breakfast (there is a "tribe" of monkeys that live naturally in this area, so they join us for mealtime hoping for scraps). Its going to be a fun week- I just know it
My group of campers is going to be mostly boys from our home, as well as a few from African Hearts. I, along with another guy and two Ugandan helpers, am leading the 15/16 yr kids. In my group are some of my favorite boys from the house, and I am looking forward to getting to spend some different/quality time with them. I am also just excited about camp; I LOVE being a counselor for RCP, and was really bummed I didn't get to do it this year. Little did I know that God would still be providing me with a fun camp experience.
Two nights ago, I called home crying hysterically. I was so exhausted from my headache, and so emotionally worn down from a lot of things that have happened here recently. I also had some hard personal stuff back home, which didn't help. On top of all that, I only have a few weeks left here, and although I am coming back in December, its going to break my heart to leave. All of that combined kind of lead to an emotional meltdown, and I was telling my mom that I did not know how God was going to pull me out if that pit, let alone get me through this week at camp (where I need to be 110%). Jesus is amazing though, and He never lets me down. At my lowest of lows, He took me away from everything. He provided me with a beautiful environment, and relieved me of my migraine. He gave me new and amazing friends, and together we are enjoying a lot of laughter. I feel refreshed and excited for what is to come. God is wonderful- have I ever said how deeply I love Him??

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