Sorry its been so long, but life here gets crazy! We have a pair of dentists from the US running a clinic for our boys and people in the community this week. I was not prepared to become a dental assistant, but that is what my job is. Its kinda fun, and also exhausting, so every night I get done and go strait to bed. My job with A.P.I never seems like work to me, so this must be what it feels like to those less fortunate.
Last week, we took in a 7yr old boy named Yahyah. I was super looking forward to posting a nice blog just like the one David got. Yahyah (maybe I talked about him before) is so broken. He does so many drugs, and until I met him, I had never seen true hopelessness in someones eyes before. He breaks my heart because he is a really wonderful kid. When we took him in, he had an almost immediate turnaround. He would chase the dog around and act like a puppy (such a kid thing to do) and he would rollerskate ALL day. He loved getting hugs and spending time with the aunties and uncles- everything looked good. Two days ago however, he ran away. We are not sure why, and when we went to find him, he hid from us in the slums. It breaks my heart that God provided such a good chance for him, and that Yahyah was so happy, but Satan used this broken world to entice him back into a broken life. Please be praying that Jesus works in his heart, and that Yahyah comes home!
I do have a story of praise though :) Last Friday at programs, we found one of the boys there, Richard, who was so sick. He is a little mentally impaired (I think, and so did the doctors) and he mistook a soda bottle for a bottle of acid. We don't know how much he drank, but he was in bad shape when we found him the next day. Me and my friend Eddy rushed him to the hospital (yes, being in a third world hospital is as bad as you'd imagine) and stayed with him for two days. Late on Friday night, with his tongue totally burned and crying of pain even on morphine, the doctors told me he may not make it (he was throwing up his stomach lining). I was terrified, and all I could do was hold his little hand a pray like crazy. God is amazing, and healed this precious boy. Yesterday when I saw him, Richard was totally back to normal. I love that kid, and I love Jesus!!
I come home a week from Friday, and I am getting really nervous. I think the shock of being back in America is going to be the hardest part of this whole experience, and I really have to trust that God is going to get me through it. For those who don't know, I am officially on staff with A.P.I. I am getting ready to send in my application to Global Training Network so I can start raising support for my life as a missionary. My plan is to finish school, and come back to Uganda. I want to spend 4 months in Uganda, then 2 in the US, and just repeat this cycle so that I am not in Uganda ALL the time, just most of it. I have learned more Luganda than I ever could have guessed, and even dream in it almost every night. I am going to continue learning when I come home, so that when I come back in December I will know even more (did I mention I am coming back December 1st? I can't remember...). I feel so at home here, and it amazes me that saying "I am a missionary in Uganda" feels so easy. The street kids are the most amazing children I have ever met, and God breaks my heart for them in new ways ever day. I cannot imagine my life without them in it now. My life is like a puzzle, and God is slowly filling in the pieces- I just love watching each one fall into place.
Your name is like honey on my lips,
Your Spirit like water to my soul,
Your Word is a lamp unto my feet,
Jesus I love you, I love You